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Python 18 Horas - W3schools #1⚓︎

Join us on an immersive journey through the universe of Python programming! In the Python 18Hours Meetings, guided by the comprehensive materials from W3Schools, we will uncover the secrets of this powerful and versatile language, exploring its fundamentals and functionalities step by step.

What was covered⚓︎

  • Introduction to Python:

    • Popularity and diverse applications (web, data analysis, automation, etc.).
    • Ease of learning and intuitive syntax.
    • Large and active community for support.
  • Installation and basic usage:

    • It is recommended to use a virtual environment to isolate projects.
    # create python virtual environment
    python -m venv venv
    # activate virtual environment on linux/mac
    source venv/bin/activate
    # activate virtual environment on windows
    source venv/Scripts/activate
    • Running scripts through the interpreter and .py files.
  • Syntax and indentation:

    • The importance of indentation for code organization and readability.
    if 5 > 2:
      print('Five is greater than 2!')
    • Indentation errors and how to identify them in the editor and interpreter.
    • Best practices for code formatting with tabs (4 spaces).
  • Variables:

    • Concept and creation through value assignment.
    name = "John Doe" # str
    age = 30 # int
    value = 4.56 # float
    city = "Belo Horizonte" # str
    correct = True # bool
    • Storing data for later use in the code.
    • Differences between variables and literal values.
    • Absence of formal variable type declaration in Python.
  • Comments:

    • Using hashtags (#) for comments and code documentation.
    # this is a comment
    if 5 > 2: # this is also a comment
      print('Five is greater than 2!')
    def sum(a, b):
      This is a comment to indicate that
      this function sums two numbers, a and b
      return a + b
    print(sum(2, 2))
    # multi-line comment
    # print(sum(2, 3))
    # print(sum(2, 4))
    # print(sum(2, 5))
    • Disabling parts of the code for testing and debugging.
    • Shortcuts to comment and uncomment lines and blocks in the text editor.

Extra Tips⚓︎

  • Configure the text editor to comment lines and blocks of code easily.
  • Configure the text editor to automatically save the worked file (auto-save).
  • Use the virtual environment for each project to isolate libraries and avoid conflicts.
  • This summary was prepared based on the meeting transcript and may contain adaptations for better clarity and conciseness. I recommend watching the recording for a deeper understanding of the topics covered.


Define variables for a new hospital management program
  • A new patient named João was admitted to the hospital. He is 20 years old and is a new patient at this hospital. Define variables to store this patient's name, age, and whether he is a new patient at the institution. Display all this collected information in the system.
Before looking at the answer, try to do it yourself.
name = 'João'
age = 20
new_patient = True
print(name, age, new_patient) # (1)!
  1. 🙋‍♂️ You can pass more than one value to the print() function.

